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Job services for people with disabilities

NYC: ATWORK by NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD)

Services Provided Career services

Eligibility Person with a disability

Schedule No fixed amount of time, Flexible

Disability Accommodation Disability Accommodation

Language Access Language Access

Last Updated Last updated on Jan 24, 2025

NYC: ATWORK helps people with disabilities prepare for and find a job.

NYC: ATWORK is a self-guided employment program for people with disabilities. If accepted, you will be able to access jobs and internships with program partners. However, it is up to jobseekers to proactively look for a job.

Who it's for Who it's for

To be eligible for NYC: ATWORK, you must:

  1. Have a documented disability
  2. Be 18 years or older
  3. Live in New York City
  4. Have career goals
  5. Have resumes and cover letters
  6. Have basic interviewing skills
  7. Be motivated to conduct a job search independently

The best matches for NYC: ATWORK are those driven to use the program’s guidance to improve their hiring chances.

Disability Accommodation Disability Accommodation

Accommodations are provided on request, including American Sign Language, CART, and information in Braille or enlarged print.

Language Access Language Access

NYC: ATWORK offers services in ASL, Spanish, and French.

Next Steps

  1. Eligible candidates who would like to enroll in the program should fill out the pre-screening questionnaire called the Jobseeker Referral Form to be added to the waitlist.
  2. When the next opening is available, you will get an email to begin the enrollment process.
  3. Then there will be a phone screening, virtual orientation, and official enrollment.
  4. Once enrolled, you can join a series of job-readiness workshops to learn about tools for a better job search.
  5. Continue to job search on your own with the help of an assigned Relationship Manager.
