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Help for fathers to get their HSE or prep for college
CUNY Fatherhood Academy by City University of New York (CUNY) and NYC Young Men's Initiative (YMI)
Career services, College enrollment, prep, and completion, High School diploma and HSE/GED prep
BIPOC Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latino, and people of color, CUNY student, Immigrant, Justice-impacted individual, LGBTQ+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more, Low-income, NYCHA resident, Person with a disability, Public assistance recipient, Veteran
3 to 6 months, Part-time
Last updated on Jun 17, 2024
CUNY Fatherhood Academy is a free program designed to help you be a great dad.
Unemployed and underemployed dads can get help meeting their educational goals and getting new and better jobs. There are many supports including
- GED preparation classes
- tutoring
- individualized counseling
- parenting seminars
- financial benefits (like stipends, gift cards, and MetroCards)
- job preparation
There are two tracks for the program, each with their own eligibility criteria:
High School Equivalency Prep
- NYC Resident
- 18-30 years old
- Father or expectant father
- Committed to participating and completing the program.
College Prep
- NYC Resident
- 18-30 years old
- Father or expectant father
- Cannot currently be enrolled in college
- Limited to having a maximum of 12 college credits
- HS diploma, HSE diploma, or GED
- Committed to participating and completing the program.
Next Steps
Apply to the program through one of these CUNY colleges: