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Free career services for adults
BPL Business and Career Services by Brooklyn Public Library (BPL)
BIPOC Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latino, and people of color, CUNY student, Immigrant, Justice-impacted individual, LGBTQ+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more, Low-income, NYCHA resident, Person with a disability, Public assistance recipient, Veteran, Woman
No fixed amount of time, Daytime, Evening, Schedule varies, Weekend
Last updated 3 days ago
Get free career support at the Brooklyn Central Library
Expand your horizons by:
- attending workshops and programs
- research emerging trends and market opportunities
- learn marketable skills and digital tools
- discover your career path
- master your finances
- a coworking area
- conversation booths
- meeting rooms
- laptops for loan
- online resources and books on business, careers and personal finance
Next Steps
Visit the website or stop by during business hours at the Central Library in Brooklyn
- Monday through Thursday 9am to 8pm
- Friday 9am to 6pm
- Saturday 9am to 6pm
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